Real-world applications

Link to paper (arXiv)


  1. Instead of using the KL divergence (KLD) between a prior \(p(\mathbf{z})\) and the variational posterior \(q(\mathbf{z \vert x})\), adversarially match the two using positive and negative sampling. This creates a model called an AAE.

  2. Similar to VAEs, but the adversarial loss function allows arbitrary priors to be used.

  3. \(q_\phi(\mathbf{z \vert x})\) is no longer constrained to specifying particular posteriors, and can even be a vanilla autoencoder encoder that is forced to be mapped to \(p(\mathbf{z})\).

Medium level:

When it comes to autoencoders, one almost always wants a good continuous latent space. VAEs solve this problem by forcing the latent space roughly to approximate a given continuous prior, \(p(\mathbf{z})\), usually a unit Gaussian. Traditionally, one just adds a regularization loss term to the existing autoencoder reconstruction loss term. This regularization term is usually the KLD between the variational posterior, \(q(\mathbf{z \vert x})\), and the prior, \(p(\mathbf{z})\). For distributions without a closed for solution for the KLD and without computationally efficient estimators, this becomes intractable.

A solution for this is simple. Build a discriminator, \(d_\psi(\mathbf{z})\), that takes positive samples (samples from the true distribution \(p(\mathbf{z})\)), and negative samples (samples from the aggregate posterior, \(q(\mathbf{z \vert x})\)). By iteratively updating the model parameters \(\theta, \phi,\) and \(\psi\), ideally the loss term of the discriminator will force the posterior to be roughly equal to the prior.

As long as \(p(\mathbf{z})\) is easy to sample from, you can match the posterior to any distribution.

Low-ish level:

The loss of a traditional variational autoencoder is:

\[\text{ELBO} := \underbrace{\mathbb{E}_{q_\phi(z\vert x_i)}\bigg[\log p_\theta(\mathbf{x_i \vert z})\bigg]}_{ 1⃝ \text{Reconstruction likelihood}} - \underbrace{D_\text{KL} \bigg[q_\phi(\mathbf{z \vert x_i}) \vert \vert p(\mathbf{z})\bigg]}_{2⃝ \text{Prior constraint}}\]

The choice of prior constraint, however, is mostly arbitrary. As long as we have a loss term that forces \(q(\mathbf{z \vert x})\) to be near \(p(\mathbf{z})\), we can use almost anything. KLD is a very natural choice and directly stems from probability distributions, but is not required. Merely replacing the KLD with the loss of the discriminator, or a similar function, results in the AAE objective.

The base paper itself was quite simple; they also presented extensions to the AAE, such as supervised AAEs, semi-supervised AAEs, clustering with AAEs, and representation learning with AAEs.

Empirical results:

When compared to a vanilla VAE, AAEs seem to have the following positives:

  1. More distinct clustering of low dimensional images (dim 784) in low dimension latent space (dim 2 through 10).

  2. Significantly better performance on semi-supervised tasks with low dimension images (dim 784).

But, they also have the following major negative:

  1. Higher computational complexity, in addition to a new “link" that can fail.